
How to change the oil on a jet ski in 4 steps

How to change the oil on a jet ski

Learning how to change the oil on a jet ski is something every good owner should do. Changing the oil on a jet ski yourself is a really easy process and will be much cheaper than paying someone else to do it. The whole process can be done in less than 10 minutes from start to finish.

These steps can be used on Sea Doo, Yamaha, Kawasaki, and almost any other personal watercraft. Be sure to read your owner’s manual to see if there are any variations.

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What you need

Oil. The type of oil needed varies depending on the make and model of watercraft. If you don’t already know what kind it requires, check the owner’s manual.

Oil Filter. Similar to the type of oil required, the oil filter needed is going to vary. Always use the same type of oil filter as the one that came standard.

Pump. A good pump is essential for changing the oil on a jet ski. A recommended oil pump is mentioned below.

Funnel. As with all oil changes, a funnel is needed. If you don’t already have one, go buy one or make one out of the top of a bottle. Don’t risk dumping oil all over your jet ski’s engine.

Rags. A handful of clean rags will help the oil change process go a lot smoother. They aren’t a necessity but they definitely help.

Step 1

It’s good to warm up the engine before changing the oil on a jet ski. Warming the oil will allow it to be removed much more easily. A 20-30 minute ride is more than enough to warm up the oil.

If you can’t take your jet ski out on the water, attach it to a hose and let it run for 2-3 minutes. Connect the hose the before starting the jet ski, and turn on the water as soon as it’s running. After its been running for a couple of minutes, turn off the water and then turn off the jet ski. Never leave the jet ski on for more than 30 seconds out of water. Let the jet ski sit for a few minutes so the oil has time to settle. Keep the jet ski level during the entire oil change process. Use an actual precision leveler if you can.

Recommended: Don’t miss our guide to GoPro jet ski mounts.

Step 2

Jet Ski Oil Pump

jet ski oil pump

Now it’s time to pump all of the old oil out of the jet ski. If you don’t already have an oil pump, Hydro-Turf has a great pump for sale on Amazon. There are literally hundreds of positive customer reviews backing it.

Getting a quality oil pump is good investment for any jet ski owner.

Completely remove the dipstick and set it aside on a clean rag. Try not to let any excess oil drip on anywhere because it can be difficult to clean up.

Put the oil pumps tube into the hole where the dipstick was. Don’t force it to go further than it can. Usually 1 1/2 feet is good. Pump out all of the jet ski oil, it should end up being 3-4 quarts.

Once you are sure you have pumped out all of the old jet ski oil, remove the pump hose. Go to a proper facility to dispose of the used oil. Many Walmarts will take used oil for free.

Step 3

Take out the old oil filter and replace it with the new one. Make sure they are the same type of filter. Sometime removing the cap to get to the oil filter can be tricky. If you’re struggling to get the cap off then reference the owner’s manual for some guidance.

Step 4

Jet Ski Oil

jet ski oil

Put a funnel into the oil fill and begin slowly pouring in the new oil.

Pennzoil makes excellent marine jet ski oil. It can be found on Amazon for less than the price most auto parts stores.

No matter which brand you go with, always use premium oil. The few extra dollars is really worth it if you’re serious about taking care of your watercraft.

Take your time and try not to overfill. The oil reservoir should never be completely filled. Engines can hold more oil than they need, but too much can almost be as bad as not enough. Over filling can make the engine less efficient and can sometimes cause longterm damage. If you accidentally use too much, you can always use the pump to remove a little.

After the oil has had some time to sit, use the dipstick to check its level. If everything seems good then you’re all done.

Final Tips

Congratulations, you officially know how to change the oil on a jet ski. These steps can be used on a Sea Doo, Yamaha, or Kawasaki, just be sure to check the owner’s manual for any separate steps.

As a reminder, make sure you wipe off the dip stick, pump hose, or anything else you stick in the engine. Getting any debris in the engine can cause a handful of problems, so be extra careful.

  1. Rusty Biddlecombe November 4, 2016 at 12:25 pm

    Thanks for the tips! We have 4 jet ski’s and by the time I changed the oil on our third I felt like a pro.

  2. Great tips. Really enjoyed reading.
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