
The Best Jet Ski Trailer Storage Box

If you plan on transporting your jet ski in a trailer, you might want some extra storage space. This is why many people decide to get a jet ski trailer storage box. They can easily be installed directly in the front of the trailer, and they aren’t too expensive. Today’s article will review my two favorite jet ski trailer storage boxes. 

The Best Jet Ski Trailer Storage Box

The best jet ski trailer storage box is the Dee Zee Poly Triangle Trailer Box. Another good option is the Arksen Heavy Duty Diamond Plate  Trailer Tongue Box.

Dee Zee Poly Triangle Trailer Box


The Dee Zee is a great value, as it only costs $165 from amazon. It is made from strong polyester plastic that is weatherproof and resists warping. You can easily drill this box into the front of any trailer tongue. It is a perfect fit for jet ski trailers, as they usually have a  triangular tongue at the front. You should make sure that the box has about two inches of space from the front of the trailer so that there is enough room to open up the lid once it is installed.

The box has a latch where you can add your own lock to keep the box safe and secure. 

The box is only 22 pounds, so it will not add a lot more weight to your trailer. It has dimensions of 36 x 24 x 20 inches, which makes room for A LOT of storage. If your are in the market for a jet ski trailer, you should check out my guide on the best jet ski trailers

Arksen Heavy Duty Diamond Plate


While it is a little more expensive, the Arsken Heavy Duty Diamond Plate is another great option for PWC trailer storage box. As the name suggests, it has a diamond plate design and is made from aluminum that will certainly last for many years. The aluminum frame also protects against rust and corrosion. Unlike the Dee Zee, this storage box comes with a built in lock. 

Additionally, the Arsken has a recessed hinge that lets you open up the box even if it is mounted directly against the trailer. 

This storage box has a waterproof seal that will keep all contents dry in case it rains. The dimensions of this box is ‎33 x 19 x 18 inches. However, there are also models that are 29 and 39 inches in width. The box only weighs 19 pounds.  

While the Arsken might have more desirable features compared to the Dee Zee, it does come with a higher prices tag. You can buy it from amazon for $240. You can buy the 29 inch box for $200, but it obviously has less storage space. 


As I stated in the beginning, a jet ski trailer storage box is a great way to add storage space to your trailer. They offer plenty of room to store your jet ski accessories, or anything else that you can’t fit in your car.
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